Tuesday, March 11, 2014

A Time And A Place For Prayer


Hi Guys and Gals.
It's good to have some time to get back with you and share some of the wisdom that I've picked up along the way.  Today I'd love to talk with you about something that seems small but can make a MAJOR impact in your life.  Wether it be your day to day comings and goings or the bigger picture of a life in need of depth, quality alone time with The Lord is not only powerful but it's truly possible.  It doesn't have to be you on a hill top overlooking the ocean.  It can be in your immediate surroundings.


I was inspired to write this after reading a great article over at RachelWojo.com. (blog link-http://rachelwojo.com).  The title of the post is Creating A Place To Pray.  It's a great resource that will clarify and make simple the idea and concept of finding a little place of peace for your alone time with The Lord.  Click the link below to view the post and come back here an let me know what you think.  Let's discuss...
(post link-http://rachelwojo.com/creating-place-pray/).