Monday, September 26, 2011


I was thinking back to about 4 or 5 years ago. I remember that my focus was the same as it is now but my methods were very different. I wanted to have peace and abundance in my home but I thought it was gained through material things. But through listening to The Word and putting it to practice I am today living in the fullness of all that I had hoped for and more. I've increased my value in the eyes of my husband & my family. I now have the ability to give them my presence instead of my money and material things. I left a 6 figure income career, a more expensive home, and a lot of self righteousness to be put to service for the Master's Use. So when you read my posts about making lunch for my husband, helping my son with his projects and being a Stay-At-Home Wife & Mom this is whose post you are reading. My life has not been all Roses & Cherries. This 2011 Version of Me ALL came at a price. But I am Blood Bought & Bible Taught. So if I ever say anything to you about changing your ways or your life, it's not because I'm judging you it's because I see a little bit of me in you and I want you to know the peace and prosperity that I do. It's not because I want what you have but because I want to give you the gift that I have.