Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Learning About Yourself Through Learning About Relationships

As of lately, I've been getting people, places and things in my life in order and that includes my mind.  There are a lot of duties that God has called me to do.  Living a life of order makes those things easier and more enjoyable to accomplish.  Many of you may not know that I am in the process of writing a few books to be published in the near future.  I am also a Professional Freelance Makeup Artist, Public Speaker, and Fashion Stylist.  My main job is that I am also a Stay-At-Home Wife & Mom who home schools her children.  Sounds like an overwhelming number of duties, huh?  It can be if you don't have yourself and the things around you in order, more specifically, your relationships.  The most important relationship that needs to be in order and running at it's most efficient level is your relationship with The Trinity.  Yep, I'm talking about The Father, The Son, & The Holy Spirit.  Once you can understand and experience the distinct difference between the three you will be able to take yourself and the people around you to the next level.
I have spent the last few months getting a better understanding of myself by getting a better understanding of the relationships around me.  I have come to understand more clearly that "still small voice" that lives within me, The Holy Spirit.  Some of you call it a conscience, your spirituality, or your inner knowing.  I prefer to call it by it's proper name, The Holy Spirit or The Holy Ghost.  I have, for a long time, followed the nudging of The Holy Spirit.  However, I now have a full understanding of it's purpose and it's role in my life as it relates to having a relationship with The Lord.  I have said all of that to clearly say that now that I have this relationship in order everything else in my life is able to operate at it's full potential and that is a blessing to everyone who crosses my path.
Get some alone time in a quiet space of time and get to know yourself better.  It doesn't have to be a long period of time.  Maybe you only have 5-15 minutes.  Start with what ever time you have and use it to be still and listen.  Breath deeply to take in all the fresh wind of possibility that God has for you as well as to exhale all the self doubt you play over and over in your mind.  Exhale the recorder of the voices that have hurt you in the past.  Silence the continuous memorandum of those from your past and present that have given you good sound reason not to succeed.  We all know you are the least worthy and qualified for the job/purpose that God has for you.  That is how He will get the glory from your accomplishments.  Don't give up.  There are people outside of yourself, people that you have yet to meet that are waiting for you to get up, dust yourself off, and shape up so their lives can be altered in a way that only you can.
Get Up, Get Out, and Get About Your Purpose!

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