Thursday, June 7, 2012

Appreciate the little things...They make a big difference

Good Morning Bloggers & WifeyMom Lovers,
Today I want to take a moment to share a "Nugget of Wisdom". 
In life, it is often times the small things that can ruin a happy moment, an otherwise promising day, or a well-intentioned believer. I want to encourage you to see those "small things" differently.  As a Stay-At-Home Wife & Mom I spend a lot of time with my house, my husband and my children.  Because of that I can sometimes get thrown off by the least little person, place or thing that becomes out of place.  Those small things have the potential to send me into a TAIL SPIN.  They have the capacity to consume my thoughts and flat out ruin my day especially if they are a package deal, lol.  If the computer stops working during my work time adds itself to laundry woes giving way to spilled sugar jumps onto feeling bloated links up with shoes, toys or DVDs out of place it can be bad, bad business at the Higginbotham Estate, lol.  But today I reflect on the humor in it all AND the thought of it all going away.  My thought process has changed over the years, more specifically the last few months.  I am starting to see things more clearly.  I am beginning to view people not as things but as important parts of my human experience that sans their existence my happy existence would cease.  I've come to realize that one day my some days "picky eater" 9 year old will have someone else making his meals for him.  I am fully aware that one day, sooner than I think I realize, those cute little 3 year old shoes left chair side in my living room will morph into a big manly shoe before I know it.  I am conscious of the fact that one day the tedious and meticulous duties that make up being a wife, mom and home school teacher will dissipate.  In the future I will have plenty of time to run errands without interruption, talk with my husband with no side conversations, reach for the last cookie and know it will be there or keep my house clean without much effort.  But...Today...At this very moment...I choose to thank God for it all.  The truth is, my family needs me and I need them.  I am grateful that I can be a SAHWM. I am appreciative that I can slow my life down enough to enjoy the view.  I love my husband so very much.  He was made for me and I for him.  I never want to waste a moment of happiness on petty things that ultimately don't mean more than our love for each other.  My oldest son is such a wonder.  He is wise far beyond his years and his ability to articulate his thoughts and feelings are a true gift from God.  It will surely take him a long way.  Now my youngest, the fire ball of endless, undepleting (call Webster, I made up a word) energy,...Well, he keeps me on my toes.  He makes me laugh just like his brother and dad.  He teaches me all the time what it means to live out loud, with a heavy dose of laughter added to it.  I love my family and the life that comes with getting to know them.  I won't waste another second not focusing on the little things.  I am truly, truly blessed beyond measure to have this laundry filled, syrup puddle cleaning, snotty nose wiping, stinky feet smelling, potty training, sleep deprived, life of mine.  Here's to all your little things.
~Until we read again...


  1. Very well said Alana! I'm on my way to be a stay at home wife Mom. Can't wait!

    1. Thanks Mar. Most times, truth is more interesting than fiction, lol. That is awesome! I an excited for you. You will do excellent at it. It is more fun and rewarding than you could even imagine. The day you see your babies become God-fearing adults equipped for life you will be able to say, "With God's help, I DID That!!!
