Saturday, June 23, 2012

Never Lose Your Giggle

It's been said that if you don't use it, you'll lose it.  Well, I believe that is not only true for your talents but also for...Your Giggle. 
Today I had breakfast at a local cafè.  I took my seat in the relatively quiet restaurant to settle into a hearty breakfast.  Then, it happened.  In walked the three ladies pictured above whom I will, from henceforth, refer to as "The Adair Trio".
From the time they entered the dining area they FILLED the entire place with warm infectious laughter.  But, it didn't stop there.  They had the wait staff giggling, the restaurant manger grimacing and other patrons smiling as well.
They are a mother and her two daughters.  They are confident and wise women who are unapologetic about there public display of happiness.  They laugh loud, love hard and make friends easily.  They are comfortable being themselves and that makes everyone around them warm and fuzzy too.
Being in the presence of these three feminine examples of courage made me realize how truly important it is to "Never Lose Your Giggle".  If you find yourself overcome by the things of life just take a moment to reflect on something that makes you laugh.  Take time out to giggle.  Schedule yourself some giggle time.  Don't be so serious about life all the time.  Slow down, look up, take a breath and...... GIGGLE!  Oh, and if you're really feeling froggy, Make some else giggle, LOL!
Now go out and get some funny in your life!!!!
Until we blog again...
Alana ;0)

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