Monday, July 30, 2012

A True Celebration of Life

Hello WifeyMom Followers!
Today is a special day in history for our family.  4 years ago on this day I gave birth to a baby boy and on my grandmother's, the matriarch of our family, birthday no less.  Without allowing me to even hold him or see him the Neonatal Doctor and his nurses whisked him away to the NICU.  As he walked out behind his nurses who held my baby, the Neonatal Dr. stopped and squeezed my shoulder as I lay on the operating table.  He said, "We'll take care of him." 
At that moment, there was a certain kind of peace that surrounded me.  During that space in time it never occurred to me to be alarmed or afraid.  As my mind processed that information and reflected on the words of the labor and delivery crew from earlier saying, "He's turning blue." I also took note of the silence of my husband.  But even with all of that I didn't think of it as a tragedy.  My outlook was simply that Dean had a special need and the tools required to help him just happened to be in the NICU.  It wasn't until 48 hours later that I was able to bring him to my room and have him in my arms all to myself.  That was also when I gathered a clearer, better understanding of why Dean spent the first two days of his life in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). 
You see, when a baby is born by passing through the birth canal the tight passage way constricts their body and forces the mucus from their lungs that accumulates there while living in the placenta.  Since Dean was birthed through C-Section he never passed through the birth canal thereby excluding said constricting and leaving his lunges filled with fluid.  That's why he kept turning from blue to red and blue again.  Taking him immediately to the NICU allowed the nurses to pump his lunges and attempt to establish a regular breathing pattern.  All tolled that process took 2 days.  I saw him in the little clear box in the NICU with all the tubes connected to him and the tiny mask taped over his face.  It was a mortality moment but still not a fearful one.  I am still amazed at how God and His helper The Holy Spirit could evoke such calm in my life at such a crazy moment.  It's a testament to God's promises and His control when given the opportunity.
Today, four years later, its a challenge to get him to sit still.  He went from fighting for a simple breath to breathing every breath God has for him each and everyday.  Dean is a healthy, energetic, extremely smart and monumentaly funny little, big guy.  "Get somewhere and saddown!" is what I say to him daily. 
The calmness that surrounded me and filled my spirit the day he was born was brought back to my existence 3.5 years later when he ran down stairs with blood streaming down his face from hitting his head (just above his eyebrow) after a fall.  God is continuously consistent.  His mercies are new everyday and He perfects ALL that concerns us...if we let him.
Happy Birthday Dean!  We Love You!
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