Friday, October 14, 2011

The Aftermath of a Morning Gone Right

WifeyMom Readers what a morning it was to behold on yesterday.  Before I get into the details let me issue a disclaimer:  If you have ever thought to yourself, "Gosh I love reading Alana's posts, I hope she doesn't run out of things to write about."  Pah, ha, ha, ha!  I can assure you that will never happen.  My life is one big blog post just waiting to happen.  NOW! On to the show!

Now, you should know that when my cell phone rings my boys have a habit of stopping whatever they are doing to bring it to me.  This is no matter what I am doing or Where I am doing it.  It is sometimes welcome but most times unnecessary. 
Back to the story, my cell phone rings while my oldest is supposed to to be finishing his spelling homework that morning.  After the first ring I can clearly hear him yell, "Moooooooom!"  I quickly cut him off by replying, "Son, just leave the phone alone.  I'll get it later."  My son, "But Mooom, there is smoke in the kitcheeen!"  "Smoke in the kitchen?!?!?!", I thought. 
I ran to the kitchen and the waffles that were in the toaster for my little guy were in flames.  Yes I said FLAMES people.  I quickly unplugged the toaster.  The kitchen was filled with smoke along with the rest of the house.  The waffles had popped up just enough to slightly raise out of the toaster but not enough to turn off the heating element.

Exhibit A:  The Naughty Toaster

She's given us lots of years, that little toaster.  But alas, her tour of duty has ended.  Fairwell Oh Family Dollar toaster.  Also, I love how this pic gives the illusion of a clean stove top.  Ahh, perception, lol.

Exhibit B:  The Senged Waffle Remains

The center of that waffle was white hot!

If you're wondering why the post is titled "The Aftermath of a Morning Gone Right" it's because even after this epic travisty I was totally unphased by it.  And that is because hours before this fiasco I started my day with prayer and then some quiet alone time.  That's right before I started a day filled with being needed by others I had alone time with God and then alone time to myself.  It TOTALLY centered me.  I have been waking earlier in the morning to pray consistantly for about 2 months now.  It has made a world of a difference.  However, yesterday I woke up earlier than my alarm and decided to just stay awake and start the day.  That gave me the extra time I needed to add alone time to my prayer time.  Because of that, a day that I anticipated to be a struggle was easy breezy.  I plan to make a habit of adding that quiet alone time to my day.
Do you have time or want to make time to rise earlier?  What would you or do you do with your extra time?

Whatever you do, make it a great day folks.

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