Thursday, October 27, 2011

Home Schooling Mom Continued...

As I mentioned before I have researched the subject of home schooling for the past 2.5 years.  I tell you that so that you understand that we did not just arrive at this decision overnight.  I also tell you this so that you can understand that arriving at this decision should be preceded by lots of research and consideration.  After gathering the info our decision was further solidified by a visit to the local campus for Classical Conversation.  I'll tell you more about Classical Conversation in depth and why we chose it's curriculum in a later post.  When I arrived I was greeted with friendly warm smiles.  There was clear structure and the children were so bright.  The class I sat in on was a class of 3rd and 4th grade boys.  They were reciting Latin, multiplying by 14, reciting times in history starting with the Crucifixion and doing class presentations.  Sounds like a lot of work?  Nope, it was short fun facets of the same class.  They were singing songs and acting out memory verses and all in a laid back setting.  Most importantly, they were having a blast!  I was have a blast as well.
The process is simple.  You get together once a week at the campus, usually a church.  There is an initial assembly to start, where learning is taking place.  Then you break up into groups.  The trained tutor conducts the class and introduces the information to you and your student.  You then take the resources acquired from Classical Conversation and put it with your own creative resources and teach you kids.  You have a support system, you have a network of other parents, and you have accountability.  Best of all, you have a child excited about learning!  The financial investment is minimal in comparison to the benefit.  It is God centered learning that teaches them the way they learn.  I am so pleased and look forward to beginning before years end.  I can not wait to see my children flourish as I teach them what God has led me to teach them.
I'll give you more info in a late post on Classical Conversations as a whole.

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