Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The No Sew Window Treatments

Hello WifeyMom Followers,
Today I bring you more crafty ideas from the mind of WifeyMom herself...Me.  I have had a project on the cutting room floor of my mind for sometime.  It has evolved a few times for one reason or another.  I am talking about my family room window treatments.  Although we are working with a bit of color in the room with the nice dots on our chairs and ottomans I still felt it needed some pop of color. (and so did the hubby for that matter)  After much consideration, I decided on simple drapery panels that would frame our sofa.
I also decided, after not much consideration at all, that I did not intend on taking out my sewing machine to do the job.  So I went out and had some custom made, NOT!  Come on folks, they're only two panels not a full on widow covering.  Keep on reading to see how I achieved this.

My Supplies:

Lay out your fabric and measure to the desired length then cut.

Now fold over all your edges and glue them.

Let stand for glue to dry.  Since there are 12 clip rings I put 6 on each drapery panel. (And she's good at Math too!)
I hung the rod, then the drapes on the rod and Tah Dah!

Please forgive the not so great pics.  But I still love my drapes!

Do you have any windows that need an accent?  Are you daring enough to try this method?  Tell me your thoughts.


  1. Sounds did you attach the rings to the curtain itself?

  2. @MommaWoods2010-The rings have clips on them. I love them. No need for a rod pocket. :D
