Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Home Schooling Mom

Well folks, I come to you today to speak on a subject that is taboo in some circles.  It's Home Schooling.  I for one NEVER thought I would even consider it.  I certainly didn't think I would actually be preparing to do it.  Yep, It's true.  After 2.5 years of research, and by research I mean looking for a good reason not to do it, I have found nothing but benefits. 
But first, a bit about my opinions of public school education:
I have an 8 year old son that has been in public school for 4 years.  He is and has always been a top notch student.  He works for it but in the end he achieves mostly A's and some B's. 
However, I have always picked up on a trend in his learning process through public education.  The curriculum seems to be geared towards a standardized way of learning.  They subscribe to the belief that there is this "On Best Way" approach to teaching.  There are some moving around and incorporation of additional schools of thought but the basic premise is the same.  There is a pattern of teaching that is taught so that it is measurable on a grand scale.  A formula, if you will, that when followed will produce a magic number by which a child, class, teacher, grade, school, or district can be quickly assessed for worthiness of resources.  The system expects a child to rearrange and conform to the expectations of it's stipulations.  Oh but my friends, I submit to you that it should be the other way around.  The system should be changed to better suit a child's needs.  But how can you with so many children to reach.  Let's be clear.  We are talking about students that make A's & B's that struggle taking a standardized test.  It's sad to see your child that was in love with math last week despise it this week.  The suggestion of ADD/ADHD is thrown around far to much since now the system is frustrating the very teachers it has set up to support.  They are often times looking for that one quick fix.  As I step down from my box of soap, I am relieved to have opened my heart and mind to the final answer.  Home Schooling.
Tune in again to hear the rest of the story.  Including more about Classical Conversations.

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