Thursday, October 13, 2011

Quality Time with the Hubby

With our days sometimes running together we can forget the importance of quality alone time with our hubbies.  It is easy to get so involved with the kids and other activities that we put our husbands on the back burner or not on the stove top at all.  Just like many other things in my life, I find that this challenge is best overcome by making it simple and going back to the basics.  "Date night" doesn't have to mean going to a restaurant or a night out.  Go back to the beginning of your relationship and relive what things you two crazy kids in love did when you were dating.  Take a hint from some of the following simple Date Night In Ideas:

Car Courting: After the kids are in bed (and ASLEEP) sneak into the garage and sit in the car with the music on and talk the night away or whatever else you may have done when you were dating. 
SIDE NOTE TO MY DAD: We listened to music and mostly prayed while we were alone in the car back then. 
Oh and if you are gonna have the car running while in the garage please, please have the garage door up, safety first.

Indoor Romantic Picnic: Feed the kids early one night and save your dinner for after they are in bed.  Once the little balls of energy angels are in bed and asleep lay a blanket on the floor in the family room, living room, etc. and have your dinner picnic style.  You can even add a little music.

Starlight Movie Night: Brace yourself for this one girls there is a lot of cuddling involved.  Set up a new movie to watch in the comfy confines of your bed.  Use the popcorn recipe that I previously posted and you are set for a relaxing evening together.  And hey, with any luck you won't even be able to finish watching the movie........because you will have fallen asleep!  Geesh, stay on topic people, lol.

These are just a few creative ways to spend time with your Prince Charming.  They are cost effective, time friendly and focus more on the quality of time spent.
Marriage is like a fine automobile.  With the right on-going maintenance and regular tune-ups it will serve you well.  I love my Sweety!

He always has been and still remains the best friend I've ever had.
I love him xoxox

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