Monday, October 10, 2011

Artistic Expression...Removing Crayon Marks From A Door

Well, well, well...I have added yet another line to my resume.  Graffiti Removal Specialist. 
I'll begin the story back a few months ago when it actually started.  Let's walk down memory lane, shall we?  A few months ago I laid the little guy down for a nap.  It seemed to be quiet up there.  My mind wanted to believe that the silence was from his quiet angelic slumber.  (stop kiddin' yourself chick) But, I went on to finish my "nap time tasks".  When it was time to wake him up I sat on the edge of his bed and sweetly kissed him.  "Did you have a good sleep?" I said.  "Yes, mommy and did I blue on da door" he replied.  "Oh, blue on da door? Ok"  I mumbled.  I had no idea what he meant.  That is until I turned around to leave the room with him and saw this on the closet door....

Did I blue on da door Indeed!  I have to admit, when I saw this little work of art I was so discouraged.  The first thought I had was, "As if I don't have enough to do!"  My shoulders sunk down and I just imagined how hard it would be to get it out.  I even tried one product in particular that I was certain would work.  But, no luck.  For those of you that don't know me, I am an advocate for natural products in the home.  My hubby has asthma & eczema and my little guy has eczema.  All this adds up to the seriousness of keeping an environmentally friendly home environment.  I have tried other products but I really needed something more powerful than what I was using.  The stuff that I tried first did not even so much as budge that blue Picasso.  So alone on the door it sat for a long while.  Then I found out about this little gem.

Sol-U-Mel Stain Remover by Melaleuca
It's made by a company with a funny name but an awesome line of products.  It boasts of the ability to get rid of all types of stains and mistakes.  So I put it to the test and these are the results.

I am so pleased to say the least.  And the little guy has been introduced to art paper.  It even left his room smelling so fresh and not perfumy or chemically.  If you are interested in the product and where to get it just contact me by commenting on this post.  I can set up your shopping account and you can order directly from the company.  What can I say, the hubby and I are so impressed by the company that we are now building our own business by referring other customers to the company...And we are excited about it.

Tootles to you all  ;0)

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