Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Family Time Doesn't Have To Be Expensive

Hey WifeyMom Peeps,
The hubby and I really do cherish the time we all spend as a family.  We have nights at home and even nights out.  On this night, we headed to the Town Center for a dinner out with the family.  It was an early dinner.  After which, the boys still had some energy to burn.  So we set out to find the most expensive activity that money could buy, Puh, huh, huh, ha, NOT!  Our Town Center is an open-air shopping area so we walked over to the learning toy store.  The store has tons of educational toys most of which can be tried out in the store.  It was early on a Friday night so there were not many kids in the store.  The boys played for about 30 minutes.  I enjoyed it as well.  It was fun for me to look at a few things and figure out how I could save money by making it myself.  After the boys had their fill at the learning toy store we headed to one of their favorite spots in the Town Center, the bookstore.  My boys are 8 & 3 and they both love to read. (as much as a 3 year old can)  The kids section of the bookstore has several toys and a few comfy  chairs to sit and read.  They played for another 30 minutes.  They had the most fun at the bookstore.  There were more kids there and neither of my boys have trouble making friends.   My 3 year old mostly played with the train set and my 8 year old hung in his usual spot by the chapter books.

While I was there I came across something that I think may help me with my 3 year old.  It looks like it could be useful.  Your thoughts?...

I'm putting my money on the cat.  My little guy would probably find it and use it on me, lol.
We finished off the evening watching Cosby Show reruns and eating stove top popped corn.  (Recipe coming soon)

I have found, after years of mistaking, that times spent like this are the memories that your children remember.  It's when we spend lots of money that we tend to focus on the lavishness of the event and it is more often than not lost on the children.  They really do relish in the simpler things.  It's those things that I remember about my childhood; the way my mom boiled the eggs for Easter, watching her make the extra large peach cobblers, and the crafts she facilitated as my Camp Fire leader. (that's like Girl Scouts)

Take time out to focus on time with your family when you plan your next event.  Make it about the time spent and not the story you'll be able to tell your friends.

All of us had a blast and we didn't spend a dime on our after dinner activities. 

Until next time...

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